Use Australia's most in-depth Solar and EV charger comparison tool
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- Used by 1,000s of Australians
- Expert reviews on all Solar and EV Charger brands
Solar Choice has helped 402,482 Australian households compare quotes online
How it works
- Residential
- Commercial
Tell us about your home
We are here to help you make an informed decision. Simply tell us a little bit about your location and what you are looking for.
Compare competitive quotes online
Immediately browse through Solar or EV Charger quotes, and compare detailed offerings from Solar Choice accredited installers covering your local area.
Select an installer
Receive customised offers from installers based on your home including a Solar Choice discount. We remain an impartial source of information through your journey in selecting the right option.
We gather your information
Your business goals, the specifics of your site and an energy bill.
We design the optimal system
In-house engineers analyse your energy consumption and building to optimize system size and output.
Installers compete for your job
Our competitive tender and network of over 150 installers ensures you get the best price and solution.
Your energy bill decreases
Your selected vendor installs the system and you start saving.
Over 3,000 companies trust Solar Choice